“a company with a time-honored tradition”
The Ironsmiths of Aranyik Village were globally recognized for their skillfully-crafted steel war swords since 18th-19th Century. Their fine quality handiworks had dignified the pride and culture of Ayutthaya for countless years. When the need for these handmade weapons declined, most of these artisans were left idle.
Mr.Niwat Wangsilabat was one of very first people that saw the need to sustain the idenity of the Aranyik Village and to help the villagers. As a member of the village himself, he started designing handmade stainless steel culteries, and thus started the saga of Ayuthaya Heritage tableware.
For gernerations, the legacy has been passed along Niwat’s descendants, and now adores the tables of several domestically and internationally recognized hotels, restaurants, and houses.
As of present, Mr. Somchai Wangsilabat is the director of Ayuthaya Heritage. His aim is to drive the company towards the 21st century with the continuous improvements on product variety and quality.